Magewinds Free Rules for Magical Duels

Tempest Crusaders · v1.5.0

Fighter Profiles


Slots Limit
2 1
Toughness Movement
6 5
Armour Deflect Evasion Dodge
1 2 1 3

Melee Attack #

Range Light Attack Heavy Attack
1 Power: 3, Precision: 9 Power: 6, Precision: 5

Missile Attack Spell - Zap - 1 Diamond, 1 Spade #

Range Power Precision
1 - 9 7 6

Missile Attack Spell - Blast - 2 Diamonds #

Range Power Precision
5 4 6

Repeat this attack against all the other fighters within 1” of the original target. Resolve the additional attacks in the order of your choosing. Step moves for reactions made by the target(s) should be made after all the attacks have been made.
Note that the extra attacks do not count as extra attack actions.