Magewinds Free Rules for Magical Duels

Tempest Crusaders · v1.5.0

Fighter Profiles


Slots Limit
2 1
Toughness Movement
6 5
Armour Deflect Evasion Dodge
1 2 1 3

Melee Attack #

Range Light Attack Heavy Attack
1 Power: 3, Precision: 9 Power: 6, Precision: 5

Spell Action - Hypnotize - 1 Heart #

Target a visible fighter. This fighter is now the only fighter visible to the target, and the target must not break line of sight with this fighter when it moves (unless it is pushed). The spell is broken at the beginning of this fighter’s next action, or when the target is no longer able to draw line of sight to this fighter.

Spell Action - Clone - 1 Diamond, 1 Spade #

Target a visible fighter within 9” of this fighter. Remove the target from the battlefield, then deploy the target and a new Doppelganger fighter so that both are touching the target’s original position. Secretly note which of the two fighters is the original and which is the Doppelganger.

Spell Defence Reaction - Mirrorshield - 1 Club #

This fighter may cast this spell when they are the target of an attack.

This fighter’s Armour attribute is increased by the value of its Deflect bonus for the duration of the attack. In addition, if any hits are blocked then the attacker receives a number of hits equal to the number of hits blocked.

If this fighter makes a step move, they may not end it closer to the source of the attack.